10 Red Flags for Poor Sensory Registration

Admission of Children with Special Needs for 2018-19 in Pvt. Unaided Recognized Schools

WHO: Revision of ICD-11 (gender incongruence/transgender) – questions and answers (Q&A)

WHO: Revision of ICD-11 (gender incongruence/transgender) – questions and answers (Q&A)

What is attunement in a developmental approach?

Language Benchmarks in Children with ASD

To Talk

To Talk

Growing up with Down Syndrome

Growing up with Down Syndrome

What is OPT?

Pre-Crawling: Pivoting and Reversing

Children with developmental coordination disorders

Stop Think Do: A multipurpose tool for improving children\'s social and learning skills in clinics and schools

Autism as a developmental disorder in intentional movement and affective engagement

The Importance of Attunement

Assessment of young children’s social-emotional development and psychopathology: recent advances and recommendations for practice

The Integrated Development of Sensory Organization

6 Ways to Prepare for Autism and Puberty

Why I Play My Daughter’s “Autism Card”

21 Investments Every Autism Parent Needs to Make

How To Create A Self-Regulation Corner for Kids (Feel Better Corner)

Autism Watch: Scientific Guide to Autism

Just a lil blog: The true life adventures of an autistic little girl, and her big sister.

Autism Lifespan Resources From the Web

Dr. Jon Brock\'s blog

11 arctic animal yoga poses for kids

How to Make Homemade Snow Recipe

Winter Activities for Kids: Art, Craft and Science

Energy-Busting Indoor Games & Activities for Kids

9 tips for coping with the hard stuff

Children’s Books About Anger Management for Toddlers to Teens

Joint attention in deafblind children: a multisensory path towards a shared sense of the world

Sensory Integration and Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Arousal and attention re-orienting in autism spectrum disorder: evidence from auditory event-related potentials

Neural representations of the body in 60-day-old human infants

Joint Attention and Social Referencing

Was That Intentional? Helping Young Children with Communication Delays Send Purposeful Messages

‘Like me’: a foundation for social cognition

The ‘like me’ framework for recognizing and becoming an intentional agent

Empathy, Imitation, and the Social Brain

In the Clinic with Dr. A Jean Ayres| The Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation

In the Clinic with Dr. A Jean Ayres| The Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation

How Occupational Therapy Helps with Sensory Integration Issues

How Occupational Therapy Helps with Sensory Integration Issues

The presentation from the first module of the Children First Biorhythms Series, presented by Dr. Kavita Arora Children First, Safdarjung Enclave is organising a series of workshops on Children's Biorhythms for parents and professionals. Learn more about Sleeping, Feeding and Toiletting concerns and how to intervene with them!

Dr Amit Sen, Director and Co-Founder of Children First, Mental Health Institute, Pvt Ltd. spoke about exam stress among students and how to cope with it, as a part of #ParikshaParv, a campaign organised by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

Clinical Psychologist Priyanka Mittall talks about how to manage exam stress from the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights center, as a part of #ParikshaParv 2019

The talk highlights our society\'s damaging practices that leave millions of children struggling with shame, rejection and invisibility. It proposes a simple idea for parents, teachers and anybody who works with children which can help our children live with dignity, worthiness and hope. So that together we can build a world where no child is left invisible.

Shelja Sen offers a new take on family communication, asking us to consider the effects our words have on our children -- and showing a new model for helping kids solve their own problems.

Dr Sen writes about increasing prevalence of screen addiction and alarming findings in scientific research. He states the warning signs of digital dependence and steps to take towards awareness and control

Need for Early Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Why is early intervention important in Autism ? Why can’t one wait to see whether a child with ASD will eventually learn to mingle and communicate on their own? Watch this video to find answers to these questions and more about the rationale for Early Intervention in Autism.

Early Intervention Services at Children First

The Early Intervention Centre at Children First provides services from a multidisciplinary perspective. The emphasis on early intervention arises from the understanding that during early years, the brain is more neuro-plastic. Hence, younger children benefit immensely from targeted and intensive work on skills that are not learnt innately. This video talks about our philosophy and how different professionals collaborate to provide an intensive, systemic and integrated service for families.

7 ways to use Therapy Ball with Children at Home

A therapy ball, also known as a Gym ball/ Exercise Ball/ Bouncy Ball is a common tool used in Occupational Therapy and Developmental Therapy. It is used as an intervention tool for children with developmental difficulties and differences such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Sensory Integration Difficulties amongst others. Watch this video to know about the different activities you can do with a therapy ball to work on various goals.

What is Theraputty? | Therapy Tools for Children

Theraputty is a common intervention tool used with children to work on fine motor skills, hand strength difficulties, pre-handwriting skills etc. Watch this video to know all about Theraputty; its different types; how it is different from clay; which colour to choose for your child and so on.

7 Ways to play with Theraputty with Children

'Theraputty' is a great tool to have fun with while working on your child\'s hand muscle strength, grip, and fine motor functions and skills (for e.g. handwriting skills). Check out our video to know a few different ways you can use \'Theraputty\' with your child.

Using Bubbles in Therapy | Activity Ideas for Children

Bubbles are a magical way to connect and play with all children. Hence, it can be a great therapeutic tool for children with developmental difficulties like Autism Spectrum Disorder; Speech, Language and Communication delays and Sensory & Motor Concerns. Watch this video to find easy and fun ways to play with bubbles with your child and work on foundational skills and various other goals like social language and communication, eye contact, joint attention, play skills and oro-motor skills amongst others.

The Art of Mindful Parenting

Parenting a child in today’s world can be confusing and challenging. This video series introduces a model for parenting by Dr Shelja Sen which is described in her book - All you Need is Love . It provides a framework and also understandable strategies for raising your child to be a happy and emotionally healthy human being.

Dr Angela Morgan, clinical psychologist from Australia writes about different feelings and emotions we go through when we first start going for therapy, and how to maximise our benefit in sessions.

The Art of Mindful Parenting - Connect

The first \"C\" in our 5C Model is Connect, which lays the foundation for the skill and craft that is parenting. Watch as we talk about what it means to \"Connect\" and how to build it with your child! Parenting a child in today’s world can be confusing and challenging. This video series introduces a model for parenting by Dr Shelja Sen which is described in her book - All you Need is Love . It provides a framework and also understandable strategies for raising your child to be a happy and emotionally healthy human being.

The Art of Mindful Parenting | Parents as Coaches

A \"Coach\" builds the necessary skills in children through an understanding of their unique wiring and temperament. Parenting a child in today’s world can be confusing and challenging. This video series introduces a model for parenting by Dr Shelja Sen which is described in her book - All you Need is Love . It provides a framework and also understandable strategies for raising your child to be a happy and emotionally healthy human being.

The Art of Mindful Parenting | Ways To Coach Your Child

The second part of \"Coach\" helps us understand how we can become active coaches to help our children learn skills.

The Art of Mindful Parenting | Care

As we learn to ‘connect’ to, and ‘coach’ our children, it is equally important to take ‘care’ of ourselves along the way. In this video, the team at Children First talk about some simple and doable strategies for parents to take care of themselves, and in doing that, be able to take better care of their children.

Watch this video to learn about possible signs of sensory integration issues. This video shows an expert panel of health professionals, Susanne Smith Roley, Clare Giuffrida, Stefanie Bodison, and Shay McAtee discussing how sensory integration or sensory processing affects children and the real-life stories of parents of children with sensory issues.

Flat swing explained | Activities using a Platform Swing with Children

A Flat Swing or a Platform swing is a therapy tool used in Occupational Therapy and other Developmental therapies. It can easily be installed at home and is often available in schools, parks and other play areas. Most children are very fond of swinging , therefore it has an additional advantage as a motivating activity. Apart from fun, swings are very important to develop balance, equilibrium, coordination and body control, with feet off the ground. In fact regular experiences of the swinging movement in a facilitated way can build attention, social orientation, eye contact and much more! In today\'s #therapytoolbox video, we explain what a Flat swing is and how we can do different activities using it.

Cuddle swing explained| Activities using a Cuddle/ Hammock swing with Children

A Cuddle swing or a Hammock swing is a therapy tool used in Occupational Therapy and other Developmental therapies. It can easily be installed at home. It is usually a favourite with toddlers, as well as slightly older children. A cuddle swing is different from a flat swing as it provides the child with a secure hold almost like a hug. It has a calming effect on many children and can improve concentration. The up and down linear bouncing movement is unique to this swing. It is a valuable tool in Sensory Integration Therapy. In today\'s #therapytoolbox video, we explain what a Cuddle swing is and how we can do different activities using it.

Tactile system explained | Sensory strategies for touch for children in therapy and at home

The tactile system, i.e. our sense of touch is one of our first sensory systems to develop. A healthy tactile system helps us learn a variety of skills which we use in our daily life and make us more independent and self-reliant. In today\'s #therapytoolbox series, watch this video to understand what is the tactile system, how it develops, why is it important and how to introduce different textures through play to children with sensory processing difficulties.

Tactile system explained | Skill-based strategies through play for children in therapy and at home

The tactile system helps us learn a variety of skills which we use in our daily life and make us more independent and self-reliant. In today\'s #therapytoolbox series, watch this video to understand how a child can acquire a variety of skills through tactile play such as body awareness, gross and fine motor skills, texture discrimination, pre-academic skills, and pretend play and so on.

Fun obstacle course for kids in therapy and at home| Working with Sensory Integration approach

Obstacle course is a fun activity which can be used for kids with sensory integration and sensory processing difficulties. It helps to develop balance, coordination, attention span, motor planning and problem solving skills in kids. The activities are fun, and children feel a sense of achievement therefore there is a high level of motivation. In today\'s #therapytoolbox series, we explain how an obstacle course can be made at home and how it works in sensory integration and developmental therapy in an occupational therapy gym.

Pihu Ki Duniya - Understanding Autism (In Hindi)

Meet Pihu, she is like any other child, but her way of perceiving and interacting with the world is different. She helps us understand what it is to be on the AUTISM SPECTRUM. This video is a resource and a call to the community to raise awareness, understanding and acceptance of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Occupational therapy explained

What is Occupational therapy and what does an occupational therapist do especially with children. Learn about Sensory integration therapy and early intervention in children with Sensory Processing Disorders, Autism and ADHD.

Social Communication and Language therapy explained

The Autism Intervention team at Children First explains what they do to enhance Social, Language and Communication skills in early years. This video talks about why working on communication, social salience and foundational skills is important, and how to go beyond just language and speech.

Mann Ki Bhasha | What is Mental Health? | Creating a Shared Vocabulary |

To kick off Mental Health week, we asked people around Delhi how they define mental health in Hindi. Through this video, we wish to encourage more conversations about Mental Health, Mental Wellbeing and Mental Illness in our native language. Our aim is to create and build a shared vocabulary about Mental Health. Watch this space for more videos from this series.

This article is a collection of 80 great activities and games that you can play on a trampoline. You will find a variety of games for different ages and any number of players.

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