
Each child is wired and inspired differently!

Children who are neurodivergent (Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism etc.) might struggle to acquire skills like reading, writing, sustaining effort, time management and responding to their social environment etc. Not only do these struggles pose challenges for them in their daily life but they also end up depriving them of simple experiences of life that we take for granted – of getting admission in schools, being invited to birthday parties, of getting acknowledged for their skills and achievements, of being respected by their teachers and other adults and not sneered at, bullied, ridiculed for minor lapses and ostracized as being “weird.” What strikes us constantly when we work with children who are neurodivergent is that it is the injustice of what they and their families have to face from day to day becomes a larger problem than their atypical wiring. It is our society’s obsession with “normal” that robs them of their dignity, safety and basic human rights.

Neurodiversity comes from a basic belief is that being neurodivergent is not a disorder or an illness but a way of being. At Children First, we believe that we need to build communities of concern for our children where they are valued and welcomed for who they are and not stigmatised for who they are not! Children live in a world that fails them in so many ways. We need to be better, do better and make sure we are working towards a more just world which honours all kinds of minds.

If you align with our views, we would request you to share your lived experience as a parent, child, young person, teacher, therapist at

Autism Acceptance

- Suja Pisharody

A few months back we had gone to a restaurant with my sister when my son started singing. His one passion in life is music and he unabashedly started belting out one song after the other. As he was singi[...]

Living With Autism

- Suja Pisharody

Reading about Autism and actually living with it 24/7 is a totally different experience. Add Sensory Processing Disorder and Dyspraxia to this mix and the challenges multiply manifold as is the case with[...]

“​(x + a) (x + b) = x​2​ + x(a + b) + ab” ​and Other Nonsense Numericals: Life with Dyscalculia

- Shreya

Shreya holds an MA in English from the University of Delhi. She is a lifelong bibliophile, daydreamer, and (over)thinker. Her work has appeared on Elephant Journal, Quiet Revolution, The Bombay Review, [...]

ADHD and Me

Dr. Amit Sen, a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist and one of the Founders of Children First shares his story about his life and the lived experience of someone with ADHD. ADHD, or 'Attention Deficit H[...]

The Table

- Rohini Katriar

Let’s liken diversity to a family potluck. We are each there because we belong and we each bring something to the table. My mum brings her signature curry and my aunts bring the sides they are famous [...]

Autism And What Works

- Suja Pisharody

Today is World Autism Day and I want to share what I learnt from Autism, after all we have been sparring for the last three years and I have actually come to respect it. When my son was four and a half, [...]

Keeping the Faith

- Nivedita Sengupta

"She will never be normal like you and me" The words echoed again and again for days and months....till the reality settled in my mind. But did I for once think that I will stop trying....trying to teac[...]

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